Still no word from the docs regarding his testing... may have to wait til Monday. No big deal, Ollies not waiting to improve more.
He's completely off oxygen again already. The anaesthesia didn't even phase him. In fact he came back to his room telling the world very loudly how angry he was that he hadn't been fed. He was pretty sure we were all trying to starve him and thought that was a real bad idea. It did however give him the chance to show off his rooting reflexes...he has sucked on both fists, his blankets and sheets, his gown and his nurses neck. He moved on to attempt hickeys on mama's neck and chest. His pacifier has never been sucked so hard, or held in by sucking alone without a finger or something propping it in...until today. He was serious about missing his food.
And...speech happen to come in right after his feed and have a quick chat with me, even though she said she was going to skip todays visit. I told her all about his rooting and such. She said he won't have any visits until Monday, but she is very happy with his progress. He is gagging on the nose tube now also. Which I am told is again, a reflex related to eating. I will not be surprised if he is throwing up all weekend because of this. I did mention it to speech and she said if she comes in tomorrow...which she may as there are a couple kids she's keeping close tabs on, that she will see Ollie again. I sure hope so, because in all honesty I think he's ready to try and feed off a bottle or me. But, she also said that it's really important that he be fully ready and all those muscles and reflexes very very strong. I suppose a couple days of the exercises won't hurt, I just worry he will get used to his food just "appearing" in his tummy with no effort. I don't want to hesitate to long for "strengthening" and have it back fire into laziness. We'll just keep it in prayer over the next 48 hours.
And even more good news...Ollie is in a normal crib now, out of the ICU crib, and he will be moved tonight or early tomorrow into a different room...either C,D,E or F. Remember I said we want him to get bad grades? Well, he IS!! Good good's some pics...

Til later my friends...there's milk to be fed, and a little hero to be held...a hero free of one more wire, one more tube...and we rock on...
I am crying with joy. My #4 Grandson, the little Prince Ollie. What a miracle. I know there are women proclaiming a fast for this dear child's health, in the name of the Lord... and God is closely listening. Thank you, thank you to all for your love and faith. He is beautiful including the purple-a-la-natural eye shadow.
Randi (and family), he is BEAUTIFUL & HANDSOME! I am so blessed to be reading his story. Thank you!!
All in all, he looks really good!
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