Ollies room...well Ollies "section"

All his equipment.

Baby...cute baby.




Baby gown. Thats his feeding tube taped to chin.

Ollie in his own personal tanning bed...

Our first ever skin to skin "kangaroo hold"

I think he likes me. And I like him too.
Good night extended family! Til tomorrow :)
Great pictures gallery. I had such a wonderful opportunity to hold and work with this incredible boy. I did range of motion with his arms and he totally wants to use them more when they are loosened up. I saw some rooting and desire for wanting to suck. His suck is weak but of normal motion when he is more awake. His hands were nice and relaxed. He tries so hard to open those eyes. Maybe tomarrow. I would gently wipe them with a warm cloth and just see if he will open them for you tomarrow. I know that there is still fluid that makes it more challanging. He was so wanting all the good cranial Sacral Work. just kept asking for more. I think that it was really good that you are moving his body more. Wrapped up in his blankets is great but he needs to have a little gym time every few hours or so. Thank you so much for letting me help tonight. I can't wait for the next time.
Love kaleem
He's completely precious. Those last two photos have me nearly in tears. How your heart must have ached to hold him like that. I'm so glad the news is getting better!
I agree with Chantel ... he's gorgeous!
Stay strong, momma, and we'll keep praying for you ...
Off to kiss my own boys, now
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