Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We continue to watch and pray for baby Grace.

Last night Grace was given a blood transfusion, as her cell count was low. She looks a little better physically, but we are unable to tell at this point if the transfusion will make a difference in her status. She has not been coming down on the ventilator, and she is still being weaned off the nitric oxide. Her doctor said I may be able to hold her tomorrow, but we will have to wait and see. Her ventilator tube may be too small for her and creating an air leak, which can give inaccurate readings and make it impossible to wean her off the ventilator. She may have to get a new tube put in tomorrow, which is very stressful for Grace and has always made her worse. We will likely be here another week still...I feel that if she gets off the ventilator, it will be a very short time before we go home. She will go home on oxygen...even if she doesn't need it all the home, we will be glad to have the machine in case last Thursday ever repeats itself! My mom will be coming back in town again this weekend to help out. Greg has gone back to work and taken our new dog with him to keep them both from getting too lonely:) Grace has her favorite little musical seahorse in her bed, and we also play a CD of Disney songs for her. She just isn't making the huge improvements we have hoped for and are really wanting to see our little fighter girl come to life in here.

It weighs heavy on my heart to watch her walk thru this and read her updates. I cannot imagine having to hold vigil bedside again, and especially not being able to hold my baby. You never give up as a parent, you never falter from that seat edge anticipation. Like a cougar waiting for it's prey to make the wrong move you sit waiting for just the right sign or move to show that things are right again. So you can feel okay, so you can sleep, so you can breathe. I pray that God would give her the same mercy he gave to us, and just like Ollie, that baby Grace would be right as rain...

1 comment:

Vicki said...

in prayer for grace...may Jesus mercies and healing wash over her!!