Friday, October 24, 2008

Can the Prayers come out of the closet!?!

My sweet friend Kristen brought her baby girl home from Sutter ICU (the preemie that weighed one poundish) about a month ago. Her sweet little girl was thriving at home, off oxygen, doing well, gained and was up to 10 pounds....I went to her website (I can't post a link on my blog as you have to sign in and such, it's a secure site) and saw this...

GRACE NEEDS PRAYER RIGHT NOW!!! I rushed her to the hospital today as she started turning blue and was barely breathing. Her stomach is distended and has been since yesterday. She is in the Pediatrics Unit. The right side of her heart is enlarged and we don't know why. It is unknown whether her stomach is causing the heart problem or the other way around. She has been intubated and is on a ventilator as she is sedated, and basically had heart failure. She is going for a CT scan tonight and hopfully we will know more after that. We are very scared and need a miracle. Greg is in Texas and will be driving back, but it will take him a few days-please pray that he can make good time and be safe. Grace is around 10 lbs. or so now and was completely healthy up until yesterday, when it seemed like she may have been getting a cold. Whatever this is, it cam on very fast. Please pray for the doctors to have wisdom and that there will be a simple solution to heal her. Will post updates as I have more info...Kristen

There was one update after this which said the CT was inconclusive. Her stomach is full of fluid but we have no idea what is causing all of this. Kristen is beside herself...the trauma of being in ICU and then to have to return for something like this is just devistating. Please pray not only for baby Grace but for her mama. If you're not the praying type-you know, those beautiful warm thoughts that are so healing...much love to all....count your blessings!

Randi Fay


1 comment:

CNH said...

Prayers for her. :(