Wednesday, October 15, 2008

About the midwife's and...a laughing video!

One of the beautiful things about midwifery care is that there is never a rush. We sit and chat and they get to know everything about you and even build relationships with other family members, like your husband and children...

Ryan: Mommy, I miss the midwifes, how come we don't go see them anymore?

Mommy: (one eyebrow up) Well, I'm not pregnant, and they visit with pregnant people, but we could go say hi sometime.

(About 4-5 minutes passes)

Ryan: Can we go see them now? (see picture)

Yes, that's a beach ball...

and...the cutest!~
Jacob will be greatly offended if I do not mention that he was the master videographer for this one...enjoy!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I am at work and laughing my brains out at Ryan's re-inventing prenancy and Ollie's laughter. It has made my day!!