Thursday, June 5, 2008

Set back

Well. We had the heel pricks down to six hours apart. We had the picc IV line down to 1. We were 12 hours from having it removed. Ollies sugars went from a consistent 80-90 40. She retested, and it was 41. I cried. Ollie just slept through it all because his sugars were so low. Less than 42 apparently meant a whole regimen of activity to be done. So-he had to have a blood draw, just like an adult would. The nurse let me stay by him and whisper in his ear while she drew his blood as sweet and loving as possible. He sucked on his paci real hard and fussed just a tad but was very compliant. The vile of blood went down to the lab for some STAT testing on what his glucose and insulin levels were etc etc. He had to have a vile full of sugar put into his pic line asap. His IV got turned up, back to 3. After that I got to nurse him again, and he was awake and ready. He took half of his feeding from me which was awesome! He's getting very good at nursing, every time he makes a huge leap. He only had 40 ounces by tube instead of 80. He stayed awake and alert too. Which means he will be able to do full feeds from me soon. It's just getting his sugar figured out.

Luckily Dr. Korte is back tomorrow. She will be running a new gamut of tests on the boy to see what's up with his sugar levels not being stable. My brain is fried and I have no experience in this department. I don't know if it could be diabetes type 1 or 2 or hypo/hyperglycemia. Maybe lacking a hormone. No idea. Unfortunately, tomorrow is Friday. I fully expect to have the hospital basically shut down for the weekend. No speech, no therapy, probably no results. Just an on-call Doc, and a weekend holding pattern. By Monday I'll probably be ready to explode again. I just hope and pray we get some sort of answer.

There is a little girl in C room. She is 3 months old. She cannot hold down food. She hasn't since birth. She had to have intestinal surgery which resulted in bad inner scarring and "sutures" (parts stuck together from surgery that wouldn't normally be stuck together) They took her out today and laid her on a stack of blankets on the floor with some toys that were ordered and brought in for her to play with. In two weeks she is too old for the Neonatal ICU and will go to "Peds" ...pediatric ICU. She's never been outside. She's never felt the wind on her face. She's never seen anything but that room, those tile floors the slats on her crib, and different faces every hour of the day. It made me really sad for her. I want to scoop her up and run out side and let her see the tree leaves moving and feel the sunlight on her skin. To gasp when the breeze hits her face. I pray to God for that sweet little girl. I beg to God to set Ollie free. We have to see the sunshine, we have to feel the breeze, we have to live a life outside of this hospital room. I just believe in my heart there is so much more in store for this little boy...please pray for answers. Please pray for freedom.


Jennifer said...

Thinking of you and Ollie often. I can only start to imagine how frustrating it is to have to live like this. Hoping he gets to come home very soon. Lots of (((hugs))) for you both.
2 in August (from MDC)

CNH said...

Praying for you this weekend. You're so close. So, so close. Hang in there.

Vicki said...

Be strong and courageous, Oliver is trying to balance out his system and he will....soon. We are praying for him!