Well I wasn't impressed, okay I was disappointed in the pediatrician we tried. He came with good references and I am certain he is an excellent physician. He just wasn't for us. A little too argumentative regarding whether I had a healthy pregnancy or not, and whether my labor and delivery went well. In my eyes, it went awesome. It was the healthiest pregnancy I have had, my labor and delivery went awesome. It wasn't until we turned the baby over that we realized there was a problem. In his eyes that meant the whole pregnancy was not healthy. Even if it wasn't...an unhealthy pregnancy is not what made Ollies cord strangle him. Am I crazy? Is this some sort of rocket science? Or is it just that bad a word? The dreaded H word? It makes people instantly drop their brains out their ... well, sorry, but it does! So, he was "difficult."
Afterwards I stopped by my mom's office in the same building. I was amazed at how famous little Ollie is. People kept saying my name and walking up to me whom I had never met. They had read the blog, they had seen his pictures. Little Ollie was so awesome! He was wide awake and looking at everyone, showing his cute babyness all over the building. I wonder if that Doc knew that he had a famous patient?
A neat twist to the visit was on the way out, I passed a mom with twins. It took about five seconds for us to realize we knew eachother and we spun around. She was next to me in the ICU the last couple days. Her twins were just a few days shy of full term so she was stuck there for "observation." She was nursing both of them, and it was such a sweet sight to see. She has other, older kids, a blended family like ours, and through our conversation we learned that we live about five minutes from eachother. I meant to get a contact number or email for her, but in the craziness of the last days we both got lost in the shuffle. But now I have it. I look forward to touching base, even if all we can do is sit on a couch together and chat. We just have too much in common and it was way too "coincidental" that we would meet up afterwards, in the same office, seeing the same doctor on the same day.
So, I went home and called my other kids pediatrician. She isn't accepting new patients, and not our insurance either. I begged her office assistant to bribe her with cookies to take my new baby as a patient. I got a call back today to schedule Ollie's first appt. Hurrah! At least her and I can see somewhat eye to eye. She's known me long enough to know I'm not a kook from the back woods. She may not agree with my every decision, but she respects my right as a parent to make those decisions, and she won't sit there and debate with me over a prenatal history that was perfect and a completely invalid topic of argument. She'll "allow" me to delay some of Ollie vaccines if I chose and will at least smile and nod at the birth story. That's all I ask. You don't have to agree with me. In fact, you can think I'm a back woods kook. But just keep it relevant to the topic at hand, take it with a grain of salt and be willing to accept someone who may have a different opinion than yours. In all, I think she believes that being a Doctor means you did extra school and got a damn good degree...no where does it make you a God, nor a dictator. And for that I respect her very much in return. She also teaches which always gets kudos in my book.
Anyway, bills have piled up, time has flown by. Will is back to work now, thank goodness-and we are sorting out this mess of payments to every company one can name. It's a little scary. But-look at the cuteness we have!!!
We have our first well visit with a new doc tomorrow. My MW recommended him so I'm hopeful. He has 8 kids of his own so no snarky comments on my "big" family. His wife also breastfed them all so no commentary on exclusively nursing twins (who are gaining TONS of weight!). I'm also hopeful he's respectful of our other decisions....
"Oh my Goodness!! Randi, he looks a lot like you...it is amazing! Please put some of your baby pictures next to his and check it out. Same eyes, same eyebrows, lips and chin!" ~~Mom
I will rename him "minime" :P
he is cute! i luv babies
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