Sometimes life gives you very hard things to conquer. For me, obtaining life itself was a tough obstacle. The day I was born into my dada's hands and turned over to look at, I was very very blue and very sick. But, God already had many human angels in place. It started with my midwife who said that I would not be the one she lost..."oh no she said, not you" I wasn't lost. I was just hidden behind a bad boo boo. I went to the hospital where day after day they did many things that helped me get better, even though it made my mama very sad to watch. Some of the nurses made mama cry, and some made mama happy. I was a sick boy.

But today was different. One of my angels Miss Carrie was my nurse again. She helped mama feed me for the first time, in spite of all my tubes and wires. She told me I was strong, and she told mama she was strong too. We were strong together. Today Miss Carrie did something special. She took me from my tubes and wires, she set me free. She took out my IV and unhooked all my beeping monitors. She cleaned out my crib, the only place I'd ever seen, where I spent many hours staring at my pink chicken, dragon, cow and bear. I wondered why my mama had to leave me so much, and who all these people where while I layed in that crib. But I kept getting better every day. Here's the last of my stuff hanging in my crib.

My brother Ryan picked me out some clothes to wear today. I was always wrapped in hospital blankets before. Now I wore a Pooh bear gown and little hat. My nurse took pictures with my mama and brother.

After a while, I was put in a carseat and we got on the road. The same road that I went alone with Miss Carrie away from my mama to the hospital. Now I rode in that carseat back the other way again, with my family, away from Miss Carrie. I was tired and slept the whole trip. We came home. We came to the very spot on the bed where I layed, fighting for my air, trying to stay alive, wanting so bad to live this life God gave me. The very spot that the 8 men in blue-the paramedics-scooped me up and took me away. Mama cried and cried to be back in the very spot we started at. Only this time, I was not blue, and I was not still and floppy. I was very wiggly.

This is me and mama in front of my house where I was born just before we walked in.

Mama made a warm bath. She took off all my bandaids. She and my brother got in the tub with me. I fell asleep floating in the warm water. It felt so good. Mama picked off all the hospital adhesive and goop, and we all soaked until the water was cold and our skin was wrinkly. Ryan was happy. He did not get to come in the water and see me come out the day I was born. He was sad about that. But he got to come in the water with me the day I came home and restart.

Mama put warm lavender lotion all over my skin. She dried my hair and put me in snuggley jammies and gave me warm milky to drink. I am now in my bed with mama. Her and brother are ready for a long long long nap. But, I really don't feel so tired. You know, I feel pretty darn good! My Doctor says I'm a miracle. Everyone is in a stir about me. But I just wanted you all to know that I felt your prayers when I layed in my crib getting better. I felt all your hearts reaching out to me and it gave me a reason to not just live, but to live my biggest. I know that my life has so much in store and I am so excited to get started! Thanks for praying me home everyone! Here's me now:

Yes, yes, yes. God is showing off again. What a lovely family.
Praise God!! Welcome home, Oliver George Payton!!!
I am just in awe! You little boy is so beautiful and so amazing -- and so is his mother.
Amy Aebi (mdc mama)
Welcome home, Oliver. We've all been rooting for you and know you are meant for great things.
All I can say is, "Thank God!" We've been praying for you and your family, Ollie, and I cried with joy to hear you're finally doing well and safe at home where you belong! {{{HUGS}}}
He looks awesome! Just like a normal, healthy baby (bruised eyes excepted ;) ). What a miracle.
Live your biggest little guy! Praise God he's home safe and sound. Relax and enjoy that baby!!!
I am so happy to see when I checked in to see your little boy that you are HOME !!!!! Your little man looks exactly like my youngest, he was a face/brow presentation and we were in the NICU for 13 days after transfer from a homebirth. I showed the picture of your son going home and my 7yo daughter asked why was there a picture of Finn on your blog? I have been reading your story, I linked from the MDC site. I cannot explain the similarity between your son and mine, Finn was very different from other babies, he is our fifth and I was totally unprepared for what he brought with him. I have wanted to post a response to you but I didn't want to take up any of your precious time with your family, I remember what it was like sleeping in my car, when i was actually sleeping and the battle every day with the hospital policies. I hope that you have a break from all of the medical everything that has ruled your days, and that you can spend all of the time with your little boy that you need. Please feel free to email me if you would like to 'chat', I am a night owl and I can remember what it was like after Finn was home, I was still worried and I had very little sleep and couldn't bear to let other people take care of him, it tore me up to think that they could care for him too, I tried to make up for everything that I had missed.
Bless you and your family, I wish the best for you,
Oh this made me cry! I am so dang happy that Oliver is home! How wonderful! He looks so good! What a handsome little man!! God bless you all - More than he already has!!
Kerri from MDC
Welcome home indeed, little man.
And well done Mama for standing in the fire.
My eldest boy's name is Oliver George too. :)
Much love.
He is adorable...and you are an extraordinary storyteller. Love you.
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