Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Short Break!

Okay so my main PC crashed today (after 7 years) and I write this note out real quick from my moms house. My van ran out of gas this morning (I felt dumb) and triple A saved the day. My fridge is dripping water from unknown vacinty...I have three laptops that don't work, a main computer that refuses to go online now, and two xboxes ready for repairs, a DVD player that demands brand new prestine DVD's or it won't play. Yet my old VCR works great. My dryer no longer turns the clothes basket, but does get hot...so only the clothes on top of the wet load get dry. (not fun when you cloth diaper your baby)

Apparantly all my appliances are in competition for who gets replaced this christmas! And yet, I am grateful. I am grateful that it was just gas and not anything worse. I am grateful that the fridge still runs, even if it needs a bucket. I am grateful that I even own 4 computers and 2 xboxes. Mostly...as if I haven't said it enough...I have four healthy happy spirited boys. My husband has a job-many people don't. If being a blond and running my van out of gas is the worst of my problems, I got it pretty good. Everything will get repaired in time. It was great fun pushing the van back into the driveway this morning, my 12 year old, me, and my 80 something year old neighbor at 8am. Ryan was sitting in his booster seat (we were on the way to kindergarten) and as we got the van rocking, rocking, rocking and back up over the curb and into the driveway Ryan yells "Weeeee!" LOL. I try so hard to have his spirit. Amazing what you can learn from the little people.

Long story short, it may be a few weeks before I can put up a new post. Luckily my digital camera is less than two years old and works like a charm. I will work on filling it up with glorious pics of the family and post some next time I can. I hope and pray you all have magical holidays, but if nothing else I hope you can find gratitude somewhere in the midst of it all.

Love to all
See you soon!

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