Monday, December 29, 2008

wow oh wow

holy smokes! I am alive and back online...unfortunately I have only a moment before it is discovered that I am goofing off and not working on the computer we have inherited (shhh) so it's a quickie...

My sweet little chunky monkey has reached twenty pounds, and is now in one of those convertable car seats instead of the removable one (not that he could be lugged around in an infant one anyway). He is still in the rear facing position, but I am not thrilled with the new seat. He cut two teeth on the bottom Dec9 and Dec11 they came in. He has an adorable toothy grin now and I will shortly be getting my digital camera cleaned out and some new pics up for all to see.

The holidays went...well, as holidays do...loads of family drama, toppled with me and Oliver not feeling well at all the last few days...sharing my older kids with another's been hectic, and I look forward to these last few days of Christmas vacation with all the kids home-peaceful and free of obligation....and a ton of new toys and books to find homes for.

Will is once again out of work-at least we made it thru the holidays. He is however now fully licensed including liability and bonds and all that jazz-and taking a new direction for employment-himself! He is putting his general contractors license in full swing, a little scary, but also good as the people he has been working for are unable to keep him fully employed-yet again, and we are unwilling to continue this pattern.

The new year is coming with new hope and new faith...and new pictures soon!
Randi Fay

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