Little Grace did in fact have a surgery to place what is called a G tube. It goes directly into her belly from outside her abdomen. It will after it heals a couple weeks have a button to close it. Her mama can just open her button, attach a tube and feed her directly that way. This will give her airway total freedom from any sort of tubing, allowing it to heal. (She will not need any oxygen or nasal/breathing tubes at home) In a few months after she gets bigger an ear, nose and throat (
ENT) specialist will be able to remove some of her scar tissue and hopefully get her throat in a condition where the vocal chords will close all the way so she can swallow without it going into her lungs. Kristen and Greg are
optimistic and very happy that they know solidly the cause of Graces issues and have a plan for treatment. Having an illness with no diagnosis nor prognosis is so frustrating and scary. They are excited to be able to bring baby Grace back home within a week. They give much gratitude for all the warm thoughts and prayers for their sweet baby girl.
Here's baby Grace just before surgery.

***Grace is now home as of Dec 1. She is on lots of medications and mom reports it is a two person job to feed and medicate her. She is still struggling with morphiene withdrawals, but is slowly starting to return to a normal babylike schedule. She has 9 doctors appts in the next month and still has a path to journey, but is home and in mama and dad's arms where she belongs.
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