Where he cannot creep to, he can roll to. He is determined and takes what objects he finds into very serious scrutiny. They must be inspected, tasted, hit, batted, twisted, chewed and the whole inspection process repeated several times before they are hastily thrown out to the side. (we have finally mastered letting go of objects we have secured in a firm grasp with the exception of mama's hair)
Big brothers are fascinating!
Cute Baby Socks!!!

Here is the Christmas sing along at the kid's elementary school...Ryan is in white antlers in the very back row, scratching his ear. He was waving and signing I love you thru the whole two songs the Kindergarten class sang. It was hilarious. I caught most on video, but it's too long to upload onto blogspot. A couple photos of the babe at the sing along and him sneaking in some mama milk...dinner and a show! woot!

Gingerbread house made by Ry guy.
Dec 22 Bradley turned 11!

Controller? What controller? I plead the fifth...

Here is the Christmas sing along at the kid's elementary school...Ryan is in white antlers in the very back row, scratching his ear. He was waving and signing I love you thru the whole two songs the Kindergarten class sang. It was hilarious. I caught most on video, but it's too long to upload onto blogspot. A couple photos of the babe at the sing along and him sneaking in some mama milk...dinner and a show! woot!

Controller? What controller? I plead the fifth...
We have rollerblades, ripsticks, skateboards, scooters, footballs, nerf guns, pads, ramps, cones and random objects to incorporate into play...yet this is what my kids find to do...oh well, all was quiet for about 20 minutes.

When your baby outgrows his drool bibs...what do you do? Put them on the dog and catch some funny pics!
WAH! Feed me!

When your baby outgrows his drool bibs...what do you do? Put them on the dog and catch some funny pics!

None the less...Merry late Christmas to all and Here's to an awesome New Year~2009!
You baby boy is doing great!!
What kind of wrap is that you have in the picture?
I was using a Moby with my dd born in July and recently bought a MT but I want another wrap also.
Not sure if you remember me I emailed you a few months back after reading your story that I saw on Mothering in the duedate forums.
God Bless,
Julie Paten
Thank you Julie! He is doing awesome! In these pics I am wearing a ring sling. It was made for me by a stay at home mama I met thru my midwives. She did a wonderful job, even making me a pocket for it and teaching me how to use it. I love it so much more than my moby. She has a Myspace page she uses for advertisement if you are interested... www.myspace.com/daryon or you can email her at tnuxoll@surewest.net. Her name is Hope. super cool chick :P I think I may remember you, although I got a ton of emails from MDC-such sweet caring mama's over there. I need to pop my head in again I miss you guys! Huggles to all!
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