I hear when Jade has a red tip that it is very happy! I must be doing something right.

My mini roses. Will likes to buy me flowers that live a long time.

Blooms about to open.

Burrows Tail.
Now that I have subjected you to my green thumb...I will show you why all my plants are growing so well...a certain little boy insists on outside time every day which includes massive water play!

Learning to kick the ball.

Bath time fun!

This caused giggles and shrieking! For some reason it was hilarious to Oliver!

Toothy grins!

Guess what I have learned???

What do you mean "no no"??? Do you not understand who I am? I am Oliver!!!

First trip ever to McD's. Fries, germs and kid funked playground included. Great times!


Weighted with significance and symbolism, we planted a Corkscrew Willow Tree in our front yard. It's about the same height as Oliver. Dad and baby put it in the ground.

Brad trying to be funny showing off the height. That's my step-dad's Explorer in the background. We'll have to give it back to the dealership soon. It's been a nice go between as both our vehicles went out of commission at the same time! But it's time has come to go back soon.

Jacob Evan.

Nude gardening. He will water his own tree thank you much!

Half the time this works. Half the time it causes water up the nose and a huge fit.

I've no idea where Oliver learned to hose drink.

No idea what so ever.

We also are learning to Recycle!

I'm doin it!

Walking is coming.

A break at the park, for one of Olivers most favorite past times. Completely zoned out...

Ryan and a rather tired looking mama.

Standing up to scan for the ball, I'm obsessed with my ball...have you seen it? Anyone?

If I had half the energy of this child my pictures would be alot prettier!

Ryan Tyler

This only looks peaceful. Later came weight tossing around. It involved someone flying, someone near breaking an ankle, and some tears. I won't name names. This thing is not the fun teeter totter it appears to be.

Big kids are fascinating. I found my ball by the way.

Big brother holds me while mama waters the garden.

Romaine and "crinkly leaf" lettuce-home grown!

Dad harvesting amongst the weeds.

Baby corn.

The once a year bloomin cactus!

I love mamas exercise bands but she says this behavior has gotten me in trouble before and she took them away!! I had to climb so far under the bed to find these.

Cavorting with the "duhs" (dogs)

This is actually a baby sign language...it means "all done."

I'll feed myself thank you.

The preferred method of transportation. No knees. We call this four wheel driving. It has become quite efficient and mom must run to catch me!!!
A certain little boy most definitely has a water addiction...

Hose water

This is a combination of two of his favorite things water and ball....he's actually sitting here with his mouth wide open, just staring.

The spigot of power.

Will not get in the pool, but it's pure glee from the outside!!!

Oh yes. We have been busy. Growing and growing! Forth of July pictures coming soon!
Much love~
RF and O
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