My little Monkey is crawling and pulling to a stand on everything...He shakes his head no, is learning yes. He has four teeth. He has a unique Ollie dance and can baby sign "milk"...course he only does it after he's already nursing, but hey, he made the connection. He eats everything from dad's BBQ Tritip to his brother's bananas that he steals. The only thing we haven't fed him is honey-he has a strong dislike for peas and lentils, otherwise it's all yummy!
Jacob has started taking track at school and is pretty fast. He has rapidly qualified for competition in the track meets and his coach has quickly moved him up among the ranks.
Bradley has started taking volleyball after school a few days a week and is learning all about the game, and will be competing in an actual game towards the end of the year.
Ryan-is tall and now looks more than ever like a first grader and not Kindergartner. Today was pirate day at school...

Will has slowly been winning some job bids and his construction business continues to build. Much slower than he would like, but summer is coming...
And new on the horizon...
Oliver is still little and I'm not ready to return to school or work yet full time, but want and need to bring in some income. I am in the process of re-licensing myself for family home daycare...yay! Baby Friends! I did this years ago when Jacob and Bradley were wee ones and it was pretty fun and great supplemental income. I'm having fun getting the house all organized and childproofed (which was past time for anyway) Oliver is a great help in showing me what needs to be done in that department! I've got some great summer ideas for daycare kids and am ready to get busy!
Our garden..well, I'd love to report its in full bloom but, no such luck at the moment. It's been a learning curve the last couple months. Mostly we have learned we could probably make clay in our back yard...when the dirt's like a huge brick. Will went and bought some fresh soil for it (yeah, the stinky and fluffy kind) and we are going to do some mixing of soil and replanting some fresh seeds that have sprouted inside. Hopefully with better results. We have managed to sprout some bell peppers and corn (which will grow darn near anywhere). Our strawberries and lavender are in full bloom and growing like crazy! We have more peppers, tomato and rosemary inside as well. This weekend will be a dirty one!
I hope all is well with everyone! I must run, I hear a monkey working on the fax machine! ruh roh!
Love to all
Randi Fay
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