Thursday, July 10, 2008

Massive baby pictures...and a video!!

Whew! I have been snapping away!!! Let's start with the fourth...Ollie was "slung" for our trip to the big fireworks display. He could care less about all the booming and blasting. Even the colors could not distract him from his one desire...mama creame de la cream. Quite the task I assure all nestled in this sling made of yards and yards of fabric. (It's twice as dark outside as what you see by the way)
I like the cute feet hanging out.
Switching sides.
Dad?! Do you mind? This is rated G! Shoo!
Hanging out, waiting for the show to start.

Over the weekend my once a year bloomin cactus bloomed. Tis a pretty big deal. It was kicked over and neglected all winter long...then repotted right before Ollie's birth. It's gotten very green and fat and now has shot off a beautiful bloom. The flower only lasts maybe 48 hours. Everyone gets excited...even the neighbor lady accross the street came to oogle. Ryan took pictures.

Have I mentioned it's hot? Hotter than...fill in the blank...and it's true. 110 degrees yesterday. People get grumpy in the heat...or maybe it's impending teenager-hood? None the less I promised him I would show the world his grumpy face.

Other's just get nekkie and sleep through the heat waves...

Hanging out with Daddy...

Hanging out with mama...(in the ugly blue after work chair that I am dying to get rid of but Will won't let me -just so you all know-lol)

The sleepy look, first thing in the morning.

Yes. That's my double chin. I like my food what can I say?

Kisses from Ryan.
So much to play with, so little time.

Playing peek a boo with Bradley...taken just this morning...I managed to get a video on here...woo hoo!


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