Friday, July 4, 2008

43 days

It's been 43 days since I walked through the hardest event of my life thus far. Well day one of it anyway. We've been home just over 3 weeks. Finally been home longer than we were in ICU. It feels good. Home. Real good.

Sooooo, what's up???

Ryan is taking swimming lessons...

It's not the most glorious picture of Miss Nicole...but she is so sweet and positive with him. The completely wet head should indicate that by day 3 he is dunking himself underwater. He can't quite hold his own weight, even via dog paddling...but he gets the breath holding and is learning to LOVE the water...which is most important. The more he loves it, the more he'll get in it. The more exposure, the more learning. You get the point.

He has also mastered the complete spiderman outfit...and learned exactly how those huge slanty spiderman eyes were first created (at least we all think so)

Yeah...they are underware...and pajamas. Apparently he and Will discovered this during my stay in ICU with Ollie. Tis quite the uproar when Ryan puts his outfit on and walks into a living room full of boys.

Other things Will has been doing...
Important conversations...
And lastly...cute baby!!!

I am not the best photographer...and my hands are full...but more cute baby pics soon I promise! The under eye bruises are a whisper away from disappearing and the upper eyelid bruises are just soft rose colored and only visible during sleeping...nearly healed!

1 comment:

CNH said...

OMG! My three year old does that with his undies and plays "spiderman" too! ROFL!!!!

SWEET baby you've got there!