Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Still hearts mama milk!

Will told me he ran into my favorite NICU nurse ever yesterday! Miss Carrie! She was so awesome with breastfeeding help, and I think it was no mistake she was our nurse at that critical window of opportunity, and so willing to just encourage us and strengthen my nervous weakened self esteem.

I sit here with my nearly 16 month old now walking toddler with 8 solid teeth and 6 more barely peeking through his gums...nursing. You know you are nursing a toddler when he is driving a race car across your chest and trying to say "broom-broom" while he eats! I just had to smile knowing he is slowly but surely dropping many of his nursing sessions all on his own. He's down to nursing only a couple times at night now...I think...I tend to sleep through it, but I'm trying to keep track just for curiosity sake! I know I will look back and miss these days even though at times it seems like it's been forever, and there are moments when I have to tell him "all done" and button up for my own sanity. Someday I will miss his little starfish hands on my chest, the rolling eyes and the sweet soft snuggly skin.

I don't know if Miss Carrie will read this blog or not, but if you do Miss Carrie...thank you! You were a bright spot during a trial from hell for us, and I'm fairly certain without your encouragement we'd not have gotten off to such an excellent nursing start. "Tube to Boob" skipping the bottle step was our goal, and we did it!

I'd love to enclose a pic of the race car nursing session, but well, Will took the camera to work and besides it would involve my boob. Enough folks have seen that lately even if the baby is awfully cute!

...I'm being brought my shoes, all of them, one at a time....I think it's time for some recess before the weather heats up today...

off to play!
Randi Fay

1 comment:

Joyful Productions said...

I just looked at Ollies blog and it has been awhile. He is may inspiration that miracles happen and love is the most important key. Thanks for keeping his story. Now we need to see the update to it with miss princess.
Love kaleem