Even for one just starting to attempt to open her eyes to the drama of politics in an attempt to use my right to one vote the best I know how, this election in particular is so historical I can't help but to get sucked in to all the drama and information slinging. I keep explaining to the kids how we will have either a black president or a female vice president. After watching Sarah Pelin (Palin?) speech last night at the republican convention...I asked Bradley my ten year old a couple questions...
Me: Wow. That was a good speech. I just can't decide. Now I'm all confused again. Bradley, who do you think should be president?
Bradley: Obama.
Me: Obama? Why?
Bradley: Well, cause he's cool. And McCain just wants to be president so he can say he's president. He just likes it, well, I think he's just having fun.
Me: (blank stare)
Bradley: Well, that girl would be a good president. (referring to Sarah Pelin)
Me: (blank stare, head cocks sideways)
Bradley: Cause we never had a girl president. That would be neat. And, she's cool too.
Me: Why is she cool?
Bradley: Cause she made everyone laugh alot.
End of conversation. (it was bed time for him) ahhh perspectives...I guess if I were 10, coolness would be the number one factor in electing our president. If only it were so easy right? We remain undecided in our house...
So on a totally unrelated subject-
Oliver George is up to 13 pounds 14 ounces by his home health nurse's scale. And is two hairs short of 24 inches long. My lil two foot wonder! He also got some developmental testish type stuff done by the nurse, who said he is doing so good she really should close his case out, but she'll see him one more time in December after his next neurology appt, just in case. Ollie grinned at her.
He grins at almost anyone now. In fact, he grins at the ceiling fan, his pacifier, his loveys in his crib, he just grins at it all, happy to be alive and healthy!
I have a few pics that were promised...oh a couple posts back...oops! Here they are...

"Give me the camera..."..."please?"

Back to School

Back to school. Brad's new bike for having perfect attendence last year! woot!

Yellow Line Rocket Science

Nice Strong Neck Muscles!!

I like to hold this pose and tip and tip and tease my mama for a good 20 minutes at a time. One of these days I will lay that head down, and my body will follow and I will have accomplished my first roll. But not yet...I enjoy mama's squeaky excited voice when I just hold it.

My "once a year bloom" cactus...has bloomed again. Ryan said it looked like an alien with horns, and took a picture for you guys.
That's it for today!!!
Much Love~
Randi Fay